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Re: Good Morning!

yeah , the duke was some random guys at a race in Greece years ago the info said . 

he hit the double apex biz on the the 1920s Beemer as well lol .. 500cc with a supercharger on it lol, blew post war Matchlesses etc into the weeds lol

threw in 4 wheel Porsche stuff re anoither example of German engineering and madness lol..

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John from @FicarraClassic shares the amazing story of the Porsche 917. Premier Financial Services makes owning your dream car easier and more affordable than ever! - VINwiki on iOS - VINwiki on Android - VINwiki ...

Re: Good Morning!

RE topical oil.  Passed than info on. Thankyou kindly  @SmilingGecko . Warm the oil, keep it well below vapour point. Hope you had a beaut weekend.


@Former-Member A friend of mine works shifts in Hospital I.C.U  and hubby does shifts with profoundly disabled, just had a change of neighbours , with Electric trail Bikes 

Her thoughts on motor bike engines is, the electric bikes don't make the assumption that all the neighbours round will enjoy 'that sound'  in their bedrooms and lounge rooms, even with  with doors and windows shut..  I remember one day at her place, I leaned over the fence and asked the teenagers 

why they cut the mufflers off their bikes.  They were happy to admit that they loved the attention that it drew.  

They were of the opinion that,  its their land,  'they can do what they like'  and I agreed,  but added

providing it doesn't affect your neighbours right to the ' peaceful enjoyment of their homes'. . . .


An electric sports car will match the acceleration of its formula one rival. but the electric just doesn't have  

that 'alluring deep note'.      I wonder if some of the appeal of making load noise has connections to animals establishing 

their territory and gaining attention and dominance by making the loudest noise.  I only ask because I too used to live next to,  all day trail bike noise.  I built underground and that was the end of the low frequency,  all penetrating,  noise.    Happy days. Till one day I happen to mention to the neighbours 

that, their noise doesn't bother me anymore, and their reaction was a surprise to me.   They definatley

did not like that I'd   'excluded' their noise.  


As for me. I think their are 2 types of noise.  the noise you cant help. lawns, pruners wiper snippers,

etc. and then theirs  .  .  .  Deliberate noise.


.  I love music.   I turn my amp up.  then walk to my boundary. If I can hear it..   I don't assume the neighbours will love my noise.. I turn it down.  Its called,  being thoughtful.


Noise..   Apparently 95% of complaints to councils are about noise.  The houses around me now, all sit empty. holiday beach homes  I guess and I thought you know what I miss.    The sound of kids playing .  .  .    L o L..   

We are all wonderfully different.   and different on differing days,   hey.    I better get to work and stop thinking so much. 


have a beaut day folks.     @ENKELI  @Glisten   @Historylover      @PeppyPatti   @Lila3  @Meowmy   

and everyone else who doesn't expect too much from life,  just a peaceful homecoming.         tonys









Re: Good Morning!

@tonys get the person you passed it onto to check contraindications first 

Re: Good Morning!

It is a good morning

@tonys  we have in winner! Lawyer Katherine gets the privilege of being my legal sword :crossed_swords: 

Raise the colours!



Re: Good Morning!

Dearest @tonys 

I could read and read your message. You are wise. 


Iv just fell back on the cool sofa Mr Rocker and I found on the side of the road 2 months ago. Yes yes, don't expect too much from life 


This is something I'm learning, I'm learning. 


Iv just decided I want to show my love to humankind by sewing my quilts. 


 they are not ' square, they are just squares sewn together but I put different coloured fabrics around the square. 

But iv got the confidence to think about selling them. Last time I had 5 quilts at the quilter's, I gave them all away, iv given heaps away but now I'm only giving away two and selling three. 


I wish I could spend all my time studying this book but iv got ripping good notes on the first two chapters and working out how to record a voice speaking it so I can listen to the first two chapters iv written . 


Don't expect too much from life.. 


Thinking about all  



  @cloudcore  ...     @EternalFlower 


 @ENKELI        @Doldip15      



  @Lite   @Lila3 

  @Former-Member @greenpea 


 @  @Glisten @Shaz51  @Jynx @ @TAB @StuF @@Tilz 

@Meowmy  @Appleblossom  @Historylover 

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @PeppyPatti 🙂

This is such a wonderful idea and I am loving all the different fabrics you have sewn together here for the quilt. How do you find the fabrics?
Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Indeed @tonys …after all: good manners is just, well, good manners, isn’t it 🙂🌺

I love the sound of roaring engines because it’s a major comfort to me, knowing that these machines were much more reliable than any human I had known, and would respond gently and with full will to my need to escape. 
and, I was always in areas with these engines either on race tracks - where a bit of roar is to be expected; please don’t buy your house next to one unless you enjoy it haha - or, way out back where no other houses were around. 
my neighbours here..? Well, they are free to do as they please. I do believe in being a bit understanding when it comes to other people’s joy, and have my own earplugs as/if needed… for instance, much worse than the engines is screaming neighbours, incessant distressed dogs barking without any support from their owners, or the smell of someone burning something (I was in a house fire when I was young). 
Also, when I want to turn up the volume, they also tolerate a few minutes of Welcome to the Machine shaking their windows😉🙌🏻🌺

harmony by give and take, is what we seem to have here. Which I find is very nice ☺️

I used to do shift work, and for many years I was on permanent nights… personally, I never held expectations that anyone needed to not live the way they wanted to just because I might be trying to catch zzz’s.. I instead made my room soundproof (insulation, roller shutters, blinds, etc). 
Different points of view, where we all can come together 🙂💜

I saw a pedestrian get hit by an electric motorbike because they couldn’t hear it coming and stepped out in front of it, because it wasn’t easily seen. I myself like a bit of noise as an essential safety mechanism 🙌🏻🏍🙂

However, I was of the opinion my bike sounded absolutely beautiful, being a 650 v-twin, with a full system Staintune exhaust (I used to pick my exhaust to match the engine..the Bandit 1200 had a full Yoshimura exhaust - sounded like a spaceship zipping through the atmosphere) 🙂🌺
I hope you have a lovely afternoon, and enjoy that lovely secluded space at home you’ve described 💜☺️🙌🏻🌺

Re: Good Morning!

hello @Former-Member , @PizzaMondo , @PeppyPatti , @Glisten , @SmilingGecko , @MDT , @TAB , @Meowmy , @Dimity , @Emelia8 , @StuF , @greenpea , @tonys , 


Raining up here again 

I think everyone mowed their lawns including us for today 

afternoon off here today 

verrrry wet hereverrrry wet here



Re: Good Morning!

Sounds like the lawns get a little shower today after getting a little haircut 😛 style cut and dry (maybe not so much dry...)

Hope you're staying cosy this arvo @Shaz51 ? Afternoon off sounds nice 🙂

Re: Good Morning!

@PeppyPatti  hi PeppyPatti i have always wanted a patchwork quilt but fate has conspired against me ever owning one ....