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Re: Schizoaffective disorder and just getting by

Sorry @tyme @maybe these forums just aren’t for me. I just had a panic attack and am still recovering. I’m not used to defending myself or disagreeing with people but I am a passionate person, oops!! 

Thank you for the conversation though. 

Hopefully I’ll be back sometime, just not as passionate!! 

Re: Schizoaffective disorder and just getting by

@Jade30   me too you are not alone x

Re: Schizoaffective disorder and just getting by

Hey @Jade30 ,


Please don't let my posts hinder you from connecting with others.


Whatever you decide, you are welcome here 🙂


Sitting with you. Please take care, tyme

Re: Schizoaffective disorder and just getting by

Hello @Jade30 I live with schizoaffective disorder and it used to be severe but is now well managed. I've had it for 30 years.  It improved for the past 10 years but I also experience severe fatigue which is attributable to a variety of things such as CFS apart from my main diagnosis.  I hope you find lots of support here. There is lots of wisdom on these forums from kind, generous and understanding people. Welcome!

Re: Schizoaffective disorder and just getting by

Hey @Jade30 . You said it yourself . You push yourself to breaking point. Obviously every time you do that you set yourself back quite a bit. 
why don’t you make your new goal to learn to navigate and live with the condition without asking more than you can give. Learn how to not push yourself that much. 
That way you can enjoy your life more instead of always pushing.. 
stress is a horrible trigger for any mental health condition. So it’s not just you. This is a challenge we all face.

Re: Schizoaffective disorder and just getting by

Thank you so much @Former-Member 

 It definitely gives me hope, hearing your story! 
We all have a lot to learn from each other and I’m very grateful for this space so far. 
I’m interested to know, how did your illness become so well managed?

Mine used to be easier, I’ve just had bad luck the past 4 years and since then I’ve lost a lot of capacity but I am healing. 
I’ve hit some milestones this year, being able to drive further than 5 mins is one of them, woohoo!! Haha. 
Thanks again.

Re: Schizoaffective disorder and just getting by

Hello @Jade30 fyi I followed author Anthony William. 

Re: Schizoaffective disorder and just getting by

How interesting…glad his methods helped you @Former-Member 


Re: Schizoaffective disorder and just getting by

Hi @Jade30 and all who suffer from schizoaffective disorder. Well you're completely right with just getting by. I have schizoaffective disorder and I know that it's basically impossible sometimes. Up and down and in-between. The mixed moods are just as hard to deal with as the highs or lows. I do know though that when I am doing what I really want to do I feel a lot better and the symptoms aren't as bad. And when I can block the voices out for a while they go away and I feel much better as well. Thanks for the forum post and the discussion. Take care. 

Re: Schizoaffective disorder and just getting by

Nice to meet you @insideblue !

It’s a very tricky diagnosis but you are definitely not alone. If you would ever like to share your experiences of your illness with me, please feel free. I agree with you that if you do what you truly want to do the symptoms are easier to manage and life is a bit easier. I find that the less I do, the calmer my mind is. Originally being a very productive person, that’s been hard for me but a worthwhile lesson. I also find that seeking contentment within the limitations of my life works well too. But most importantly for me is the medication. Being on a good combination helps a lot even though the illness can spring up on you at any time!!! Thanks for taking the time to write and I look forward to hearing from you around the forum.