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Re: Running out of steam

Hi @Tatsinda , @Cazzie  (again Smiley Happy), @PeppiPatty @Alessandra1992 and @lucky 


Just a quick note let you all know that tomorrow night (Tues 20th), we will be running a topic about respite.

I would love for you all to attend, whether it be to ask questions or if you have your own experiences with respite that you'd like to share.

It starts at 7pm AEDT.

You can find the discussion here

Hope to see you there :smileyhappy:


Re: Running out of steam


I don't know if this is going to be of any help at all but reading your post I can see how much you are struggling to cope in your relationship and with looking after the kids too.

I see that there is hope there with your husband seeking help and being on medication and that he does have good times too.  That's really good.  Thinking about there being light at the end of this dark tunnel is something to keep focusing on.

When was the last time both of you spent some quality time together without the kids?  I mean like a date that feels special to both of you.  Doesn't have to be anything fancy, maybe even a picnic in a nice place one day, maybe a nice romantic dinner or a night at the movies.  Just some quality time away from home where you both can just be together and enjoy one anothers company.  I wonder if that will help your husband on his journey to want to get better.

When your husband is around include him as much as possible when you're playing with the kids.  Do lots of fun stuff that will also put a smile on his face.

Does he have any hobbies that you and the kids can also join in on?  Are there any things going on in your community that he might like to go to with you and the kids?

I'm trying to think of things that you can try to reverse the negativity and put everyone in a better mood.

Have you had a chance to bring up with him how much it hurts you when he is rude to you and the kids?  Expressing your feelings is important.  Do you have any strategies you can put in place when he does this?


Re: Running out of steam

Hi Keira80, thanks so much for your thoughtful comments, sorry it's taken me a couple of weeks to get around to a reply! We did have regular weekly dates last year which was very helpful in keeping the lines of communication open and building fun into the relationship. We haven't gone out without the kids so far this year but it is a very good idea!
I have done a lot of work on myself over the last couple of months and am taking quite a different approach to things now. I will probably do another post on the topic of codependency, which is a big issue for me, but basically I have been working on looking after myself and letting him look after himself, and making sure I have clear boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. All I can control is how I respond to things and I have said very clearly that I won't put up with rudeness or negativity towards me or the kids. He doesn't like when I speak up when he oversteps the mark but it does help - he takes some time out and it just prevents things escalating further a lot of the time. It is tiring to feel like I have to be on alert at times and I feel sad that it is necessary. However It it is a much healthier way of being than me stewing on things and walking on eggshells.
Also he has taken up a hobby recently that gives him a bit of time away from family life which overall is good. Sometimes I feel like I get left looking after the kids on my own too often but it is preferable to him sitting around with a black cloud over his head. I am still thinking through how to look after my own needs when I feel like it's all a bit unfair...still mulling that one over.