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Re: Feels like the system needs help too...

@Former-Member The psych was a court ordered psych from a avo that didnt happen... there is a positive always, his speciality is also kids and family so while i got this mental health plan for beating up women i gunna milk it for 10 years if i have to.. Maybe the system can work if used the right way

@Pheenstar wrote:

@Former-Member i am happy to get past this issue of helping as it was stopping the help, i dont know what to do with her family back in germany, as far as i am concerned, i will be there for her, always, but someone from the family needs to fully understand how she is. As a father i would want to know, or a brother. I cant have a relationship with a disorder morally and my oldest is 4 and half, so i hope we can seperate quickly so he can become used to life this way. I need a day or two to digest this, but with the kids and a part time job, i think there is no huge danger in the next few years.. i will be there for the abuse to minimise it towards my sons when i get a break from it and get strong again.. the house will still be her name and hopefully we can do family things and it doesnt effect her.. i feeling her pian or probsbly im feeling the pain that she aint feeling


Re: Feels like the system needs help too...

I only know that we have to perservere and try and do the right thing.

You have done that and DESERVE support.

Re: Feels like the system needs help too...

hello @Pheenstar

When someone has a mental illness of some kind, that person has to accept that they are unwell and want to help themselves.

It is so hard for us to be on the sidelines knowing that a family member is unwell and being unable to do anything about it. Not even being able to discuss the matter with them. Not being able to offer help or seek help for them.

You have tried but the system will not listen.

You have the best interest of your children at heart and moving forward can create a better quality of life for yourselves.

Good luck