11-08-2018 08:01 AM
11-08-2018 08:01 AM
11-08-2018 08:06 AM
11-08-2018 08:06 AM
I bought some thin-tipped textas from the op shop a while back but haven't used them yet, @CheerBear. No flat spaces clear for art work in this flat really.
I think I may take off again. Might end up back in bed, not sure yet. But C is rousing so I'll have a chat with him first at least.
Hope the birthday party is more fun for you than anticipated and that middle's arm is okay with the hijinx.
Great to catch you first up in the morning again.
11-08-2018 08:15 AM
11-08-2018 08:15 AM
11-08-2018 09:12 AM
11-08-2018 09:12 AM
Hi @Mazarita and @CheerBear looks like I'm late for the morning chat again!
Maz hoping your sleep leaves you more refreshed this morning and C's company today lifts your mood of late. It must be getting so frustrating waiting for the meds to achieve more of a balance for you.
CB I really hope your middle's arm isn't fractured. And that the birthday party turns out to be fun for you too.
The 'run and jump' description reminded me of a time when my child was about 11 - we were babysitting at someone's house (3 other kids and a newborn who was difficult to settle) and they had chimes hanging over their table which was surrounded by chairs. Child jumped to try to make the chimes ring with their head, missed the chimes and came down with their nose on the back of one of the chairs. We didn't know their nose was broken at the time and I still hear about it or see them and cringe - I can't believe I didn't get it diagnosed and treated at the time. I feel guilty to this day. There were lots of periods in their childhood when I was majorly depressed or completely manic, surrounded by chaos and retrospectively I can see I was negligent at times. Part of the consequences of not having been diagnosed accurately and managed accordingly until they were 21 years old. Shoulda woulda coulda .....
Good morning to anyone else around today.
11-08-2018 10:49 AM
11-08-2018 10:49 AM
11-08-2018 10:57 AM
11-08-2018 10:57 AM
Good morning, @eth. Sending love and warm wishes. I'm only managing the forum on wake breaks at the moment, so missing you a lot it seems. Just wanted to send a message to say I'm at least reading and thinking of you.
11-08-2018 10:59 AM
11-08-2018 10:59 AM
11-08-2018 01:31 PM
11-08-2018 01:31 PM
11-08-2018 05:15 PM
11-08-2018 05:15 PM
Hi @outlander, @eth, @CheerBear, @The-red-centaur, @Exoplanet, everyone
Feeling a lot more human after a shower and a visit to our friend's place. Now sitting here at the desktop, clean, hair silky, clean clothes, some fresh air in me. Still feeling generally unwell and weak but better than I have been, at least for now.
@outlander, it seems you are being patient through the physical and mental challenges at the moment. How are you this evening? Anything planned this Saturday night?
@eth, sorry I wasn't up to chatting earlier. Had to just flop in the armchair for a while, eventually fell asleep there for about an hour. That's when I roused myself to have a shower, thank goodness. It's been (shock horror) 10 days. I think that's a record in recent years. Hope your day has been good. Wondering what you have been up to.
@Exoplanet, I wonder if you have been doing any more fencing. Maybe some walks with the dogs. What DVDs are you watching at the moment? Sending love and thinking about you.
@The-red-centaur, how's the sleeping going? Hope you feel as okay as possible in your waking times. I find that if I panic about how much I'm sleeping when I wake up, it makes it all worse. Sometimes I think we just have to go with it all for a time to give our minds, hearts and bodies a chance to rest and heal. In any case, wishing you well.
@CheerBear, that's funny with the markers/markets exchange we had, lol. Hope the news on middle's arm is good, and that the birthday party went okay.
It's a home night tonight, maybe some TV and foruming if anyone is around. Some chat with C hopefully. May the evening unfold well for all.
11-08-2018 06:33 PM
11-08-2018 06:33 PM
Afternoon all @outlander @Mazarita @eth @CheerBear
I live with my 3 sons ages 25, 24 and 11. My eldest son 25 has High functioning Autism, my youngest 11yr old also has Autism and ADHD, my 24yr old is my career.. We are renting a small 3 bedroom house where my kids all have seperate rooms. I have no room of my own and either sleep on the lounge or with my younger son as he still won't sleep on his own. I have been trying to find a 4 bedroom to rent where we are living for the past 3 months with no success. All they say is there is a house shortagge and they are getting about 40 applications per house. So my mental health keeps getting worse from having no place of my own, even the bath is to small, I think unless you work and have no animals, im not going to get anywhere. My lease ran out here in June and where on a week by week basis now, I have 2 dogs that help with the kids with Autism and my anxiety.
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