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Re: A long rave

Anything happening for you atm @outlander Heart

Re: A long rave

No not all that much @Appleblossom its a rough night though. Have lots of swirling thoughts including si/sh urges taking up energy. Had to go to medical centre as a breast cyst burst and made a mess. And have a bad toothache even with strong pain meds Just add that to the list of crappy stuff huh. Have ro ride it out for now.

What about you? Whats happening for you? @Appleblossom

Re: A long rave

You do have a lot of physical stuff to deal with for a young un.Woman Sad

I am alright.  Met an old friend for dinner last night.  It was lovely to catch up.

Choir was good.

Zoo today was good, but an annoying new worker kept talking, being negative, over dramatic and aggressively asking questions, not listening, and then changing tack in conversation.  She was newish and maybe it was her nervousness, but she kept saying she was not backward in coming forward. I'll say!

After a few hours of it, I was telling her to calm down, stop being contagious. I almost told her to shut up.Woman Embarassed We finally got her to leave so we could finished up the shift, the other worker was a lovely young quiet girl. I was getting agitated and went into a mild panic attack.  Not too bad,but obvious, just tying myself in knots doing simple tasks.  So I talked straight to her and she was straight with me.   She was patient, steady and calming.  Most people at the zoo are great... most staff and public.  

Re: A long rave

It really sucks @Appleblossom i dont get it. 21 and a body thats falling apart already 😕😔

Im glad your going ok and some good things are happening for you xox.
Oh dear quite a day at the zoo huh. Im glad there was a nice girl there. Hopefully the other newbie will settle in once she learns the ropes abit more. I dont blame you for getting agitated esp after a few hrs. @Appleblossom
Any plans for tomorrow?

Re: A long rave

Driving lesson with son, another choir plus I need to do some tidying up and messages.

Re: A long rave

As in your teaching him to drive? @Appleblossom

Re: A long rave

Yep, though I try and keep it low key. He does not want to be "taught" by mom. Its good he feels up to it. He is a pretty cautious kid.

Re: A long rave

Just emerged again from my cave of sleep.

So sorry you are doing it so tough with physical and mental health, @outlander. I had both very badly when I was young too, around your age. It was hard to accept that I had chronic illnesses, the injustice of it especially when young and there's more spiritedness in us. As I've got older, I've come to accept both much better for the most part, it's a relief to not be fighting it all the time. Big hugs for it all. Heart

@Appleblossom, it's the interractions with people in the workplace that is so impossible for me. The energies of other people and my own paranoias in action too. It all gets too much for my mind, nervous system, body. Then crash. It happened even when I tried volunteering. I admire your and others' capacity to find meaning and occupation in those social settings. Great that you find most people there great. Heart

Re: A long rave

Hes lucky to have you @Appleblossom my mother didnt even get in the car with me. Still hasnt!
Its good hes willing to learn now though. Cautious is good.

Hello @Mazarita feeling you here too xox

Re: A long rave

SNAP @Mazarita
Thanks for understanding. Im sorry you had it tough in both things too. It seems a never ending thing here and always something different or a re occuring thing. Can be quite upsetting esp when things are hard enough let alone throwing something else into the mix.

How are you going tonight? ❤