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Re: Is this some type of morbid

So my partner after all this time today talked to my phychologist that i used for the fake AVO, he wants to see me tomorrow, i guess he cant even mention what she would of said, so i guess we are going to talk about what to do with het and get a custody agreement with the boys, For sure you dont have a relatioship with this kind of thing but its all just nothingness. How does this person even feel and does it even matter, does she even matter, he feelings come from a totally irrational thought or mind process that is so wrong that in reality it dont matter, her family a million miles away, dont get it, everyone i know thinks she is sane, i thought i have compassion for everyone, but i feel the whole situation with her doesnt make sence, and she dont get anything really, but something is on the phone out there talking away away worried on some level and not being able to make sence of it all, a motherof two little boys and the onky person that really knows her wants her out so he can recover and set up a life for everyone. I imagine there no realization for her, but her main abuse victom in this  situation is the only help she gunna get and i aint ready to help.. i will be ready when she gone. Thats her breaking point i would say if there is one, not having access to you only real passion in life while he got to do the move for her and then get the hell out of there while this disorder breaks down and starts to rebuild its self agian into something as nothing as before, then begging  and hoping that i go back to it.. In time do you hug it again or is this just a feel good for yourself, do you give a disorder any of yourself, its a mind thing, she also has a body, nerves, bones, nearly everypart of her has nothin to do with her mind, then if you were to feel sorrow for her cause of disorder, you couldnt express that to, make things worse, i think if the day ever comes and i mean she sets up in a new place to live i will be walking away nothin, and a week later all abuse and the effort she put in to convince me and everyone and the destruction it caused will never be though of, It did absolutely nothin, achieved nothin, and the whole way this works isnt something even to think about, i guess i will be reminded off it when i see her, but with out the entrapement being there, i dont even think itll register as something, what else in life can achieve this level of complete wasre of life and thought. Even this post is going no where now and i feeling nothinabout it

Re: Is this some type of morbid

Hi Neill,

Try to keep positive.

It sounds like your partner is trying to make some steps forward by getting the Psychiatrists referral.

Even if she hasn't gone through with this in the past,try to stay open and positive that this time she may.

You mentioned that she said she wasn't in love but at the same time she seems to get jealous or fearful if you talk to other girls or consider another relationship-is that correct?

It may be hard or sound silly,but try to keep being forgiving to her and mindful that it is the disordered emotions that are talking and that she has an illness,but at the same time not mention to her that she has an illness or you are being sorry for her etc as she will likely perceive this as you believing that only she is the one with flaws in the interactions/relationships.