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cant use terms relating to mental health

In a mental health forum I find it amusing I cant use terms or words relating to subject.

Re: cant use terms relating to mental health

Hi @jazzy 


Welcome to the Forums!


Thank you for your feedback. The purpose of the word filter is ensure that the forums are used appropriately and to keep the forums safe for the whole community.

Certain words are part of the filtered list for a variety of reasons. Some reasons are, for example, because they are potentially triggering for other members (methods of harm for example), or are words often used in derogatory contexts (racist/relgious etc slurs) etc.


Overall, the purpose is to keep the Forums safe and there is a level of duty of care maintained.

However, the list of words should not censor (unless derogatory obviously), nor restrain you in expressing your point. Often words can be replaced, but the context of the comment can still be communicated. So for example, rather than describing a method of harm, the phrase 'self harm' or 'I harmed myself' can still be used.


We haven't got this 100% right yet. As you can see here there has been other discussions about the word filter.

We have asked members that if they are trying to use a word, which doesn't seem harmful or potentially triggering and does restrict the meaning or context of their comment, to please email us

For example, recently it was brought to our attention that the word 'blood' was restricted. After the community highlighted that this word, more oftern or not, was being used to describe medical precedures (eg: blood test) and it was obviously restricting their ability to communicate a message. So we had it taken off.

We are very open to feedback and working with members to get it right.

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