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Re: Topic Tuesday // Are you feeling alone? Carers Support and Discussion // Tues 25 Feb, 7pm AEDT

Hey @Laeticia63  good to hear there are some meetups. In terms of having no time, this does make total sense. Is there any capacity to make time for further social connection? I suppose that is one thing that's great about this forum, it's 24/7 so you can log on whenever and share what's going on with us 🙂 It sounds like you're very resilient in your role as a carer, thanks for being so open and honest. Just as a small reminder to be careful about disclosing too much info about which service provider you use for meetups, due to our safety guideline around anonymity 😊

Re: Topic Tuesday // Are you feeling alone? Carers Support and Discussion // Tues 25 Feb, 7pm AEDT

@Former-Member  Brilliant meme 😂😂😂 I am glad you felt kindly heard here 🙂 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Are you feeling alone? Carers Support and Discussion // Tues 25 Feb, 7pm AEDT


firstly I have no friends nor does mr shaz , have lots of people will say hello and talk but that is about it 

with my husband`s family -- they thiink I can fix him , MI is inherited in mr shaz`s family 

my family thinks mr shaz looks and acts ok 


with my elderly mum , my family have lots of advice but i am the one who does everything -- i don`t mind but i wish sometimes they were more supportive 


Re: Topic Tuesday // Are you feeling alone? Carers Support and Discussion // Tues 25 Feb, 7pm AEDT

Hey there @Shaz51 I hear you. It sounds like you step up to the plate a lot, which makes sense as you're an incredibly compassionate and strong person. In terms of friends, is this something you feel needs to change? I have noticed in life people have varying needs in terms of friends, I know some people who prefer to have less and others who thrive off more. I hope regardless you and Mr Shaz have some kind energy around you from time to time 🙂 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Are you feeling alone? Carers Support and Discussion // Tues 25 Feb, 7pm AEDT

Ok wonderful people 🙂 time for Question 2


What do you love 😍? 

As carer’s it’s really easy to focus solely on the needs of our loved one/s living with complex mental health issues. It’s common for our own dreams and goals to move to the back of the queue. It’s important to remember the things in life that used to bring us joy, not just for our own growth in developing our skillsets and interests, but also because these are things that potentially may lead to further social connection. What brings you joy outside of your caring duties? Are you a gardener, a painter or a musician? Keen to hear your views!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Are you feeling alone? Carers Support and Discussion // Tues 25 Feb, 7pm AEDT

Thanks for tag @Shaz51  but I do not feel able to be here tonight. I will read through later. @Former-Member @Former-Member  Thank you. 💓

Re: Topic Tuesday // Are you feeling alone? Carers Support and Discussion // Tues 25 Feb, 7pm AEDT

No problem at all @Former-Member Heart

Re: Topic Tuesday // Are you feeling alone? Carers Support and Discussion // Tues 25 Feb, 7pm AEDT

no worries my @Former-Member Heart


@Former-Member, i have found little things are the best 

like a sok in a tub 

having a coffee under the front trees 

Mr shaz loves photography , going bush walking , relaxing next to a creek --- need to do this more 

I used to do jigsaw puzzles but have not done it in a long time 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Are you feeling alone? Carers Support and Discussion // Tues 25 Feb, 7pm AEDT

What do I love? Where to start?


Mr Darcy, my family, friends, my dog, the garden, cooking, eating, reading, encouraging others, reading,  funnies ... 





Re: Topic Tuesday // Are you feeling alone? Carers Support and Discussion // Tues 25 Feb, 7pm AEDT

All these ideas are epic @Shaz51 I love that some of your interests are rooted in nature 🙂 Puzzles is a really solid concept, it's one of those tasks that totally engages your mind and makes it tricky to veer off to overthinking. Thank you @Shaz51